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Chapter 7 : HTML 5 – Nav Element

  HTML 5 – Nav Element   The  <nav>   HTML  element represents a section of a page whose purpose is to provide   the navigational section in HTML documents. Websites typically have sections dedicated to navigational links, which enables users to navigate the site. These links can be placed inside a nav tag.  Common examples of navigation sections are menus, tables of contents, and indexes. These are the Following Uses of Nav Element 1.      Main use of <nav> in HTML 5 for creating navigations of websites 2.      We can use several <header> elements in one document. 3.      The <header> element is intended to usually contain the section’s heading h1 to h6 4.      The <header> element can also be used to wrap a section’s table of contents, a search form, or any relevant logos. 5.      The <header> ta...

Chapter 6 : HTML 5 – Header Element

  HTML 5 – Header Element   The <header> element is the block level element which I have discussed in my previous article for what is block level elements .   The <header> HTML 5 element represents introductory content, typically a group of introductory or navigational aids. It may contain some heading elements but also a logo, a search form, an author name, and other elements.   These are the Following Uses of Header Element The header tag contains information related to the title and heading of the related content.   Main use of <header> in HTML 5 for creating header of websites Design Logo, Navigations and Headings thorough header. We can use several <header> elements in one document. The <header> element is intended to usually contain the section’s heading h1 to h6 The <header> element can also be used to wrap a section’s table of contents, a search form, or any relevant logos. The <header> tag is...

Chapter 4 - HTML Basics

1.      HTML Documents   The declaration is not an HTML tag. It is an "information" to the browser about what document type to expect. In HTML5, the <!DOCTYPE> declaration is very simple. We write as   <!DOCTYPE html> .   The HTML document itself begins with <html> and ends with </html> . The visible part of the HTML document is between <body> and </body> . 2.      HTML Language   <html lang="en"> attribute is used for declare the language of the Web pages 3.      This is the complete structure of HTML   <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <! ---   for language ---> <head> <! --- we can write scripts here ---> <title>Page Title</title> </head>   <body>   <! --- we can write all the codes here ---> <h1>My First Heading</h1> <p>My first paragr...

Chapter 5 : HTML Elements

1.    HTML Elements  There are two types of elements 1.1 Block-level   1.2 Inline   1.1      What are Block-level Elements ? A block-level element always starts on a new line and takes up the full width available (stretches out to the left and right as far as it can). These are the following block-level elements.   1.      nav 2.      header 3.      section 4.      main 5.      article 6.      figure 7.      figcaption 8.      div 9.      h1 to h6 10.   p 11.   footer 12.   address 13.   blockquote 14.   canvas 15.   dd 16.   dl 17.   dt 18.   fieldset 19.   form 20.   hr 21.   ul 22.   li 23.   ol 24.   table 25.   tfoot 26.   audio 27.   video 1.2 What are Inline ...

Chapter 3 : HTML Editors

What are HTML Editors? Editors is where we write our code. Whether it is HTML, PHP or any other language like that (JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax XML, Java etc.) These are the following editors. 1.      Note Pad Notepad is a simple text editor for Microsoft Windows and a basic text-editing program which enables computer users to create documents. And all Computers have notepad. 2.      Note Pad ++ Notepad++ is a text and source code editor for use with Microsoft Windows. It supports tabbed editing, which allows working with multiple open files in a single window. It’s advance version of Notepad. 3.      Sublime Text Editor Sublime Text  is a sophisticated text  editor  for code, markup and prose. You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance. It natively supports many programming languages and markup languages, and functions can be added by users w...

Chapter 2 : Structure of HTML

What is the structure of HTML ? The structure of HTML is just like our body. Such as our head, body and foot. HEAD is the first tag of HTML , where we keep styles, fonts, scripts etc. After that body section, where we write all codes, which appear in the browser . But head don’t appear any codes in the browser. It run in background. After that footer section. For Example: Code: < !DOCTYPE  html > < html > < head > <! --- we can write scripts here ---> < title > Page Title < /title > < /head > < body > <! --- we can write all the codes here ---> < h1 > My First Heading < /h1 > < p > My first paragraph. < /p > < /body > < /html > Diagram: